
Abstract A sample of 73 dry, well-preserved skulls was studied, representing various species of raptors with different foraging strategies. The sample included Accipiter nisus (n = 15), Buteo buteo (n = 13), Gyps fulvus (n = 24) and Neophron percnopterus (n = 5), Bubo bubo (n = 16) and Tyto alba (n = 2). Geometric morphometric methods were used to detect orbital asymmetries. On digital pictures of each skull side, a set of 16 semi-landmarks and two landmarks were located in order to describe the orbital ring. The variables were analysed based on Generalized Procrustes analysis. The morphometric data showed that the orbital asymmetry of raptors differed significatively between species, although directional asymmetry (e.g. left orbita systematically more developed than the right) appeared not to be correlated with orbital size. This indicates that larger orbitas do not lead to greater asymmetry. Differences between species should rather be explained by their foraging strategies and degree of visual obstruction in their natural environment.

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