
We compared the lambda cII/cI transgenic mutation assay described by Jakubczak et al. [(1996): Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93:9073-9078] to the previously established Big Blue assay. Genomic DNA isolated from liver, spleen, and lung tissue of control or ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-treated Big Blue mice (100 mg/kg i.p., single dose) was packaged into phage (five animals, two packagings per DNA sample) which were simultaneously plated for lacI and cII/cI mutant frequency (MF) and titer. Mean MF of control animals was higher for cII/cI than lacI for all three tissues examined (spontaneous cII/cI MF divided by spontaneous lacI MF = 2.9, 3.1, and 1.7 for liver, spleen, and lung, respectively). The differences were statistically significant for liver and spleen, but not lung. The ENU-induced MF measured by subtracting control MFs from ENU-treated MFs was higher in the cII/cI assay than lacI (liver = 23.0 x 10(-5) for cII/cI vs. 15.1 x 10(-5) for lacI; spleen = 64.8 x 10(-5) for cII/cI vs. 36.1 x 10(-5) for lacI; lung = 17.1 x 10(-5) for cII/cI vs. 15.8 x 10(-5) for lacI). Fold increase over control values measured by dividing MF of ENU-treated animals by appropriate control values was higher for lacI than cII/cI (liver = 4.4-fold for lacI vs. 2.7 for cII/cI; spleen = 13.1-fold for lacI vs. 8.4 for cII/cI; and lung = 5.6-fold for lacI vs. 4.0 for cII/cI). Despite these differences, overall results were similar for the two mutational endpoints. These results suggest that the cII/cI assay may be an acceptable alternative to lacI where transgenic mutation studies are indicated.

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