
To determine the success of monocanalicular stenting and balloon dacryoplasty as secondary treatment options for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction after failed probing surgery. An interventional case series of consecutive secondary balloon dacryoplasty and monocanalicular stenting for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction was reviewed. These secondary treatments were used in cases in which a bicanalicular stent would have been used in the past. Seventy-seven nasolacrimal systems in children with epiphora after probing and irrigation surgery were treated with a monocanalicular stent or balloon dacryoplasty. The patients were then evaluated at least 3 months after surgery or after stent removal by using a dye disappearance test. Cases in which there was no significant dye at 5 minutes were considered a success. Cases with residual dye or history of persistent tearing were considered failures. The monocanalicular stent was used in 35 nasolacrimal systems, whereas balloon dacryoplasty was used in 42 nasolacrimal ducts. The mean age of treatment was 25.2 months for the monocanalicular stent group and 25.8 months for the balloon group. Overall, 32 of 35 (91%) nasolacrimal ducts responded to monocanalicular stenting, whereas 36 of 42 (86%) responded to balloon treatment. When the patient group was further stratified by age, the monocanalicular stenting was 94% successful in children younger than age 2 years and 89% successful for children older than 2 years. The balloon treatment had a success rate of 91% in the younger group and 79% in the older group. Chi-square statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the two treatments or on the basis of age stratification within each treatment group. Monocanalicular stenting and balloon dacryoplasty are excellent secondary therapies for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction after initial probing and irrigation surgery has failed. These two treatment options are now our procedures of choice for secondary surgery.

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