
Electron spin relaxation times obtained by two-pulse spin-echo and Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) experiments were compared for samples with: (i) low concentrations of nuclear spins, (ii) higher concentrations of nuclear spins and low concentrations of unpaired electrons, (iii) higher concentrations of nuclear spins and of electron spins, and (iv) dynamic averaging of inequivalent hyperfine couplings on the EPR timescale. In each case, the CPMG time constant decreased as the time between the refocusing pulses increased. For the samples with low concentrations of nuclear spins (the E ′ center in irradiated amorphous SiO 2) the limiting value of the CPMG time constant at short interpulse spacings was similar to the T m obtained by two-pulse spin echo at small turning angle. For the other samples, the time constants obtained by CPMG at short interpulse spacings were systematically longer than T m obtained by two-pulse spin echo. For most of the samples, the CPMG time constant decreased with increasing electron spin concentration, which is consistent with the expectation that the CPMG sequence does not refocus dephasing due to electron–electron dipolar interaction between resonant spins. Dynamic processes that average inequivalent hyperfine couplings contributed less to the CPMG time constant than to the spin-echo decay time constant. The impact of nuclear echo envelope modulation on CPMG time constants also was examined. For a Nycomed trityl radical in glassy D 2O:glycerol-d 8 solution, the CPMG time constant was up to 20 times longer when the time between pulses was approximately equal to integer multiples of the reciprocal of the deuterium Larmor frequency than when the time between pulses was an odd multiple of half the reciprocal of the deuterium Larmor frequency.

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