
A substantial number of patients undergoing percutaneous interventions have an impaired renal function, 1 Schuster S Koch A Burczyk U Schiele R Wagner S Zahn R Glunz H.G Heinrich F Stuby K Berg G et al. MITRA Study GroupTherapy of acute myocardial infarction impact of clinical trials on clinical practice The MITRA pilot phase. Z Kardiol. 1997; 86: 273-283 Crossref PubMed Scopus (63) Google Scholar a condition that is associated with a variety of changes in metabolic and hemostatic systems. 2 Mezzano D Tagle R Panes O Perez M Downey P Munoz B Aranda E Barja P Thambo S Gonzales F Mezzano S Pereira J Hemostatic disorders of uremia the platelet defect, main determinant of the prolonged bleeding time, is correlated with indices of activation of coaglation and fibrinolysis. J Thromb Haemost. 1996; 76: 312-321 Google Scholar There are only a few data on the application of abciximab in patients with impaired renal function. We used data from the Ludwigshafen IIb/IIIa-Antagonist Registry to analyze the safety and efficacy of abciximab for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with impaired renal function.

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