
Information on the degree of water erosion is of imperative importance to professionals who are engaged in reducing soil losses via implementing soil conservation measures. Soil Conservation requires the knowledge of the factors controlling soil loss. Rainfall erosivity is one of the major controlling factors inducing water erosion. To achieve this objective, several univariate models were developed to estimate the rainfall erosivity in the upper part of Iraq. The database for models development was based on rainfall data of different time scales obtained from 25 stations distributed across the study region. The explanatory variables encompassed annual rainfall (P), Fournier index (FI), modified Fournier index (MFI) and precipitation concentration index (PCI). Additionally, the performance of a host of previously published univariate models were evaluated. Most of these models were derived for countries with Mediterranean rainfall regimes. It was observed that neither FI nor the PCI approaches were effective in capturing the variability of rainfall erosivity in the study area. Overall, the annual rainfall based models outperformed the Fournier and modified Fournier based models. The results also indicated that among eight developed models, the quadratic and linear forms of annual rainfall based models ranked first and second respectively. Additionally, the test of performance of a host of previously published models revealed they have restricted applications in Iraq.


  • The results indicated that among eight developed models, the quadratic and linear forms of annual rainfall based models ranked first and second respectively

  • Information on the degree of water erosion is vital to engineers, agriculturists and soil scientists who are engaged in reducing soil losses via implementing soil conservation measures (29)

  • Prediction of rainfall erosivity from mean annual rainfall and mean monthly rainfall has been broadly cited in the literature (2), but most of these models have restricted application outside the region where they were developed without testing their performance (14)

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Information on the degree of water erosion is of imperative importance to professionals who are engaged in reducing soil losses via implementing soil conservation measures. Rainfall erosivity is one of the major controlling factors inducing water erosion To achieve this objective, several univariate models were developed to estimate the rainfall erosivity in the upper part of Iraq. The performance of a host of previously published univariate models were evaluated. Most of these models were derived for countries with Mediterranean rainfall regimes. ‫المقارنة بين النماذج المتطورة والمنشورة ساب ًقا لتقدير دليل قابليةالمطر على التعرية في مناطق البحر الابيض المتوسط‬. ‫ ويعد دليل قابلية المطر على التعرية‬.‫ تتطلب صيانة الترب معرفة العوامل التي تتحكم في كمية مفقودات التربة‬.‫أج ارءات صيانة الترب‬. ‫النماذج المنشورة سابقًا الى تطبيقاتها المقيدة في الع ارق للتبؤ بدليل قابلية المطر على التعرية‬. ‫نماذج الانحدار‬، ‫ دليل قابلية التربة على التعرية‬،‫ مقارنة النماذج‬،‫ مؤشر تركيز هطول الأمطار‬،‫ المعدل‬Fournier ‫ مؤشر‬:‫كلمات مفتاحية‬

EI k
Assessment of the models
Model ID
Performance indicator
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