
Plasmids encoding blaCTX-M genes have greatly shaped the evolution of E. coli producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL-E. coli) and adds to the global threat of multiresistant bacteria by promoting horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Here we screened the similarity of 47 blaCTX-M -encoding plasmids, from 45 epidemiologically unrelated and disperse ESBL-E. coli strains, isolated during the early phase (2009–2014) of the ESBL pandemic in western Sweden. Using optical DNA mapping (ODM), both similar and rare plasmids were identified. As many as 57% of the plasmids formed five ODM-plasmid groups of at least three similar plasmids per group. The most prevalent type (28%, IncIl, pMLST37) encoded blaCTX-M-15 (n = 10), blaCTX-M-3 (n = 2) or blaCTX-M-55 (n = 1). It was found in isolates of various sequence types (STs), including ST131. This could indicate ongoing local HGT as whole-genome sequencing only revealed similarities with a rarely reported, IncIl plasmid. The second most prevalent type (IncFII/FIA/FIB, F1:A2:B20) harboring blaCTX-M-27, was detected in ST131-C1-M27 isolates, and was similar to plasmids previously reported for this subclade. The results also highlight the need for local surveillance of plasmids and the importance of temporospatial epidemiological links so that detection of a prevalent plasmid is not overestimated as a potential plasmid transmission event in outbreak investigations.

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