
The exponential auto-regression model is a discrete analog of the second-order nonlinear differential equations of the type of Duffing and van der Pol oscillators. It is used to describe nonlinear stochastic processes with discrete time, such as vehicle vibrations, ship roll, electrical signals in the cerebral cortex. When applying the model in practice, one of the important tasks is its identification, in particular, an estimate of the model parameters from observations of the stochastic process it described. A traditional technique to estimate autoregressive parameters is the nonlinear least squares method. Its disadvantage is high sensitivity to the measurement errors of the process observed. The M-estimate method largely has no such a drawback. The M-estimates are based on the minimization procedure of a non-convex function of several variables. The paper studies the effectiveness of several well-known minimization methods to find the M-estimates of the parameters of an exponential autoregressive model. The paper demonstrates that the sequential quadratic programming algorithm, the active set algorithm, and the interior-point algorithm have shown the best and approximately the same accuracy. The quasi-Newton algorithm is inferior to them in accuracy a little bit, but is not inferior in time. These algorithms had approximately the same speed and were one and a half times faster than the Nelder-Mead algorithm and 14 times faster than the genetic algorithm. The Nelder-Mead algorithm and the genetic algorithm have shown the worst accuracy. It was found that all the algorithms are sensitive to initial conditions. The estimate of parameters, on which the autoregressive equation linearly depends, is by an order of magnitude more accurate than that of the parameter on which the auto-regression equation depends in a nonlinear way.


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