
ABSTRACT Catheter Vein Pressure in ward-cared patients is rarely measured and considered invalid. The two catheter vein pressure postulates contradict, making confusion among health workers. Dr Russo said the distal-medial-proximal Catheter Vein Pressure has no difference but were denied by Susan S. Scott. Proof of postulate is needed as a solution to inward care. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the central vein pressure between distal, medial, and proximal lumens with the water manometer method. Forty-nine samples retrospective study were taken from the distal - medial - proximal Catheter Vein Pressure of the until fifth days. The differences are analyzed with Statistical Paired t Test with p-Value < 0.05 from SPSS ver. 26 to prove the right postulate. 49 samples were concluded to represent of population. Catheter Vein Pressure from day becomes zero difference, the fifth day 91.8% are no difference while the rest have difference of 0.2 - 1.0 cm H2O and the conclusion are no significant difference with 95% CI. The correlation scale of 0.998 and 0.999 proves that the three lumens tend to produce no differences. In conclusion, the distal - medial - proximal Catheter Vein Pressure values in this study have no significant differences and consistent from until fifth days. This is formulated as P distal = P medial = P proximal (cm H2O). Keywords : Central Vein Pressure, Pressure, distal - medial - proximal, no differences, ward patient. Correspondence : sumantrie_medicalgp@yahoo.com


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JJUURRNNAALLKKEEDDOOKKTTEERRAANNFFKKUUMMSSUURRAABBAAYYAA http://journal.um-surabaya.ac.id/index.php/qanunmedika RDDeiisaaebaberectehtseAisnrtisinicplseidipuisdinuspaintiepnsawtiietnh strwauimthattircasuevmeraetbircasinevinejruerybrain injury CpYY11ruuo))oddmRRAhxheaeiaiprssmlAiiAaaddndearedginniilgtPtsPalooorurfaUfnaAbmAnboninvowoeeeewsnsfortt1shohsi,ece1tysPwse,i.iroPonialltrotonhagrganyyanwadalannnaadddvStaIeIeunnirSrttneyeunmnarssApyiiavvaireernAelCCaosinaarmsrrglueeageronaotfe2fgeRRgraSbS2UmUeDDtewDtDherr..eoSSndooeettdoomimsoot,,aMMl,eeddmiiccaaelldFFaiaaccuull,lttyyaoonff d C2o2)r)nASSuetltliatlaryiflfufafosnDDfHgeegAeppanaaidrrUrltrtaeenanmmigPveegeunnrartstnUiootayffnm.AiAvanneAeressrsititthahyee.Sssuiioomllooagngytyraiaenn1dd*,RRBeeaaamnnbiimmanaagttiiooPnnujoooffSRReSmSUUedDDi 2DD, Brr..aSSmoobeetatoonmmgooP,,uMMrweeaddniicctaoall3FFaacc-1) uRletsyidoefnt AfroirmlaDnegpgaartmUennitvoefrAsinteys.thesiology and Reanimations, RSUD Dr Soetomo and Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University 2) Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimations, RSUD Dr Soetomo and Faculty of Medicine Airlangga

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