
Abstract Since at least the beginning of the last century, sport anglers and commercial fishers have often held cormorants responsible for declining catches. The recovery of double-crested cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus populations throughout the Great Lakes region since the late 1970s has rekindled efforts to assess their impact on sport fish populations. In this paper we compare the species and age composition of fish consumed by double-crested cormorants (diet study) and harvested by anglers (creel survey) with abundance estimates of walleyes Stizostedion vitreum and yellow perch Perca flavescens (mark-recapture and catch per unit effort). The numbers of walleyes consumed by cormorants were similar to those harvested by anglers; however, cormorants consumed only subadults, whereas anglers harvested only age-4 and older adults. Cormorants and anglers combined harvested 7% of age 1-3 walleyes and 14% of the adult walleye population. Cormorant consumption of adult yellow perch was similar to angler harve...

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