
Glycidylmethacrylate was grafted to Toyopearl HW-65M and subsequently modified with diethylamine to obtain a weak anion exchanger. The degree of grafting was varied from 11 to 50%. The binding capacity for bovine serum albumin was 11 mg/ml for the lowest degree of grafting and 97 mg/ml for the highest degree of grafting. The maximum binding capacity was observed at 27% degree of grafting. The mass transfer properties of the grafted resins and an ungrafted resin (Toyopearl DEAE 650M) were investigated assuming rectangular isotherms. Simple models for reaction kinetics, pore- and surface diffusion and film diffusion were used to describe the concentration–time data in batch mode. The data were best fitted by a pore diffusion model. The estimated pore diffusion coefficients ( D P) for bovine serum albumin were fitted by a polynome to the degree of grafting with an maximum value at 27% of D P=1.95·10 −11 m 2/s. Compared to published data of other ungrafted resins and to the molecular diffusion coefficient of bovine serum albumin in free solution of D P=5.6·10 −11 m 2/s, the diffusion in grafted layers seems to be accelerated. The breakthrough curves for columns packed with various resins showed a decrease in sharpness with increasing degree of grafting which could not be described by a simple pore diffusion model using the calculated transport coefficients from batch mode. The shape of the breakthrough curves could be well described by a combined film and pore diffusion model. For the ungrafted Toyopearl DEAE 650M resin the breakthrough curve is more favorable and the influence of film diffusion to the mass transfer is reduced. It can be concluded that grafting will increase the capacity and the pore diffusion in batch mode but in column operation the grafting layer has a film resistance which plays an important role in the overall mass transfer.

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