
模型估算法与静态箱法是水-气界面气体通量监测的主要方法,因原理不同监测结果通常存在一定差异.目前对引起上述差异的主要环境因素仍不清晰.本研究使用自行设计的静态箱对三峡支流澎溪河水-气界面CO<sub>2</sub>通量进行监测,并与同步开展的CO<sub>2</sub>通量薄边界层模型估算法结果相比较,探讨该水域引起这两种监测方法结果产生差异的主要环境因素.结果表明,瞬时风速、水汽温差及水深均会对静态箱法及模型估算法的监测结果产生影响.风速越强、水汽温差越大、水深越大,这两种方法监测结果的差异就越小;而水域面积对两种方法的差异没有影响.比较发现,两种方法所获通量数据呈显著正相关,但静态箱法所获通量数据离散性显著高于薄边界层模型估算法.从方法的稳定性角度,在峡谷河道型水库水体温室气体监测中薄边界层模型估算法可能更为适宜.;Closed static chamber method and thin boundary layer method are frequently applied in monitoring air-water gas diffusive fluxes. However, there are differences in results between the methods due to theoretical principles which are still unclear. A type of closed static chamber was applied in Pengxi River, Three Gorges Reservoir to monitor air-water CO<sub>2</sub> flux and compared with the results from thin boundary layer method that simultaneously monitored to discuss the causes for the differences. Results indicated that wind speed, air-water temperature difference, and depth of the water were the impact factors related to the difference between the methods above. It was found that the smaller difference between the methods above was created by the higher wind speed, or the greater air-water temperature difference, or the greater water depth. However, water surface area showed no significant impact on the difference between the methods. Through a comparison of CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes data sets from the methods, it could be noted that there was a significant positive correlation on the monitoring results of the CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes.But monitoring results from the closed static chamber method had higher variance compared to thin boundary layer method.From the viewpoint of the stability of the methods, the thin boundary layer method might be more feasible in the river-channel based reservoir area.

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