
Android is the most popular mobile operating systems on the market share in 2nd Quarter 2017 Android operating system get 87.7% of mobile operating system on the market share. The mobile device Graphical user interfaces (GUI) are one of the main components to be tested for quality assurance. GUI testing is important since they often make up for half of the resource code of the application and GUI is used to interact with the application. Automating these tests is very useful since it saves a lot of time and money. However, the tools or frameworks that are available for automating the tests are often not suitable for developer needs, mainly because of the lack of functionality. Therefore, automated testing framework evaluation is needed. With a comparison study provided, developers will able to consider about testing framework that can fit their needs easily. In this study, we selected top 4 most used Android GUI testing frameworks that will be evaluated by using experimental study. Those frameworks are: Espresso, Appium, Calabash and UI Automator. We also selected the criteria used in this study to evaluate those frameworks. We selected those criteria by identified the best criteria to testing Android application base on our literature analysis. Furthermore, the study resulted in characterization of those frameworks from experiment of a simple Android application.

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