
We compare a momentum space implicit regularisation (IR) framework with other renormalisation methods which may be applied to dimension specific theories, namely Differential Renormalisation (DfR) and the BPHZ formalism. In particular, we define what is meant by minimal subtraction in IR in connection with DfR and dimensional renormalisation (DR) .We illustrate with the calculation of the gluon self energy a procedure by which a constrained version of IR automatically ensures gauge invariance at one loop level and handles infrared divergences in a straightforward fashion. Moreover, using the $\phi^4_4$ theory setting sun diagram as an example and comparing explicitly with the BPHZ framework, we show that IR directly displays the finite part of the amplitudes. We then construct a parametrization for the ambiguity in separating the infinite and finite parts whose parameter serves as renormalisation group scale for the Callan-Symanzik equation. Finally we argue that constrained IR, constrained DfR and dimensional reduction are equivalent within one loop order.

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