
The experiment was conducted during three successive seasons from2007 to 2009 on twenty five years old Balady mandarin trees budded on sourorange rootstock at 5x5 meter apart, planted in an orchard located at privateorchard at El-Kalubia Governorate. The trees was in (ON)year at the firstseason (2007), to investigate the effects of soil and foliar application ofpotassium on leaf (NPK), yield and some fruit physical properties (weight,volume, diameter, length, peel thickness, peel weight and some fruit chemicalproperties( T.S.S.%, total acidity%, T.S.S./ acid ratio, Reducing sugar, totalsugar% and Ascorbic acid. The experiment was divided into two parts, the firstpart was as soil addition and included four treatments (0 – 200 – 400- 800) gmpotassium sulphate 48%K

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