
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder during pregnancy. It is defined by WHO as carbohy-drate intolerance resulting in hyperglycemia of variable severity with onset or first recognition during preg-nancy. The entity usually present late in second and third trimester. The factors which constitute good health, i.e. balanced Dosha, Dhatu and Mala, optimally functioning Indriyas or sense organs, a happy con-tented soul and a balanced mind are the very factors that go towards a smooth pregnancy, labour and healthy progeny and this is what Ayurveda treatment focuses on. Pregnancy is a particular time for all women. This condition becomes even more delicate when there is diagnosis of GDM which makes neces-sary controls and therapies that will inevitably affect the women’s life. GDM can lead to potential risk for mother, fetus and child’s development. There is no direct reference of GDM in Ayurveda. But we get ref-erence of Garbhavriddhi excessive increase in size of abdomen and perspiration. Garbhavriddhi or mac-rosomia condition can be interpreted as complication of GDM. In current scenario GDM in pregnancy is one of the major complications during pregnancy. Overt maternal diabetes mellitus can adversely influence intrauterine development. Spontaneous abortions and major congenital anomalies may be induced in the first trimester. Excessive foetal growth, neonatal hypoglycemia, still birth may be induced during second and third trimester. Gestational Diabetes may lead to gangrene, damage of retina, kidneys. If diabetes is not properly controlled, then in the long run fat gets deposited on inner layer of arteries and the possibilities of occurrence of paralysis increase. Complications of diabetes include eye problems and blindness, heart dis-ease, stroke, neurological problems, amputation, and impotence It is needed to cure maternal diabetes as soon as it is diagnosed. Adopting pre-conceptional and thorough antenatal care through Ayurveda; this aims that a woman enters pregnancy in healthy state of body and mind. While describing Garbhadhan vidhi acharyas have advised certain body purifying measures (Sanshodhana karma) followed by special dietet-ics and mode of life for the couple. Ayurveda focuses on change in lifestyle of the Garbhini which helps in maternal health and fetal growth minimizing the complications related to pregnancy. Ayurveda efforts of having healthy baby commences with pre-conception care and management. Pre-conception counselling, Diet, Herbs, Yoga, Asanas are useful as a supportive therapy together with modern medication under su-pervision. The best way to improve your diet is by eating a variety of healthy foods. Various vegetables, pulses, spices, cereals, fruits, dry fruits are helpful in GDM patients. Daily 20 mins walk is also helpful. Ayurvedic herbs like Guduchi, Amalaki, Haritaki, Haridra, Bilva, Neem, Jamun are also useful in GDM. They are having antidiabetic, antioxidant properties. Tinospora Cordifolia are potential therapeutics that act as anti-diabetic drug in the prevention and treatment of GDM. Metformin is safe and effective drug in treatment of GDM. Combination of metformin, diet, Ayurvedic herbs, preconception counselling, Yoga, Pranayama and meditation can give best result in GDM.

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