
In this paper, the national curriculums in China and Korea have been analyzed and compared. Conclusively, by analyzing curriculums implemented in Korea it can be see that as-called quality-building is to some extent advancer than the so-called quality-oriented education which is being now implemented in China. The curriculums content arrangement in Korea is apt to require student to be capable of practical comprehension and flexibly utilizing knowledge, rather than the scale of mastered knowledge. Owing to this situation, the problem that students can hardly become the eligible talents who can satisfy the requirement of social development, is existed in modern China, although they might be adept in examination. Hence, the design of curriculums in China should be based on the self-building of students, and can learn some useful experiences from curriculums in Korea. In the aspect of system, curriculums content setting in china is nationwide the same due to long-standing centralized system for education. However, in Korea setting right for curriculums is delegated. Educational Received(November 27, 2015), Review request(November 28, 2015), Review Result(1st: December 12, 2015, 2nd: January 02, 2016) Accepted(January 11, 2016), Published(January 31, 2016) 1702-701 Dept. Education, Kyungpook Uuiv, 80 Daehakro, Buk-gu, Daegu, korea email: 15207023661@163.com * 본 논문은 석사학위 논문을 재구성한 것임. Comparative study of National Curriculum Development between China and Korea Copyright c 2016 HSST 262 activities in different district are performed highly dependent on locally educational level and practical situation. In this regard, in order to make talents training courses innovated and accordant with national situation, curriculums setting in china may have to reference experiences of curriculums setting executed in Korea. For the system management of educational curriculums, management right for county-level and school-level may have to be more subdivided.

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