
A timely replacement of the rather expensive indium-doped tin oxide with aluminum-doped zinc oxide is hindered by the poor uniformity of electronic properties when deposited by magnetron sputtering. Recent results demonstrated the ability to improve the uniformity and to decrease the resistivity of aluminum-doped zinc oxide thin films by decreasing the energy of the oxygen-negative ions assisting in thin film growth by using a tuning electrode. In this context, a comparative study was designed to elucidate if the same phenomenology holds for gallium-doped zinc oxide and indium-doped tin oxide as well. The metal oxide thin films have been deposited in the same setup for similar discharge parameters, and their properties were measured with high spatial resolution and correlated with the erosion track on the target’s surface. Furthermore, the films were also subject to post annealing and degradation tests by wet etching. While the tuning electrode was able to reduce the self-bias for all three materials, only the doped zinc oxide films exhibited properties correlating with the erosion track.

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