
Comparative study of airway assessment tests to predict difficult laryngoscopy & intubation - IJCA- Print ISSN No: - 2394-4781 Online ISSN No:- 2394-4994 Article DOI No:- 10.18231/j.ijca.2019.032, Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia-Indian J Clin Anaesth


  • Prediction of potentially difficult airway management during pre-operative period is determined by anatomy of oropharynx & range of movement of neck, clinically evaluated by various tests like Modified Mallampati Test, Upper Lip BiteTest, Thyromental Distance, ratio of Height to thyromental distance etc

  • Patient induced & laryngoscopy performed with Macintosh blade No.[3] in sniffing position & laryngoscopic view determined by C-L grading

  • Prediction of potentially difficult airway management duringpre-operative period is determined by anatomy & range of movement of oropharynx & neck which is clinically evaluated by various tests like Mallampati Test (MMT), ULBT, thyromental distance (TMD), Ratio of Height to Thyromental Distance (RHTMD) etc

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In airway management tracheal intubation using direct laryngoscopy remains Gold standard. Prediction of potentially difficult airway management duringpre-operative period is determined by anatomy & range of movement of oropharynx & neck which is clinically evaluated by various tests like MMT, ULBT, TMD, RHTMD etc. Modified Mallampati Test indicates significant correlation between the ability to visualise pharyngeal structures & ease of laryngoscopy & intubation. Upper Lip Bite Tests is based on fact that range & freedom of mandibular movement & architecture of the teeth have pivotal role in facilitating laryngoscopic intubation. To the best of our knowledge there was no study to clarify which method predicted difficult laryngoscopy more accurately. We have performed prospective, single blind study to compare significant direct relationship between MMT, ULBT, TMD, RHTMD & Cormack-Lehane scale

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