
Detailed comparisons of the larvae of four species of New Zealand oyster (Saccostrea glomer‐ata, Crassostrea gigas, Ostrea lutaria, and a new species of Ostrea) and one Chilean oyster (Ostrea chilensis) showed that larvae of species other than O. lutaria and O. chilensis share certain features. One conspicuous feature is a distinct tract, termed here the posterior dorsal sulcus, which runs from the posterior margin of prodissoconch I to the valve margin of prodissoconch II; other characteristic features are an umbonate, inequivalve shell and a provinculum bearing distinct teeth. The larvae of O. lutaria and O. chilensis, in contrast, lack the posterior dorsal sulcus, are nonumbonate, and have nearly equal valves with an edentulous provinculum. These distinctive features, together with other adult features, suggest that the two species are more appropriately included in a separate genus. The name Tiostrea is proposed for the new genus. Certain supraspecific groupings within the Ostreinae need to be re‐exam...

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