
The biological parameters studies on Bemisia tabaci MED Q1 and Q3 genotypes in tropical areas are very scarce and could provide interesting insights for pest management programmes. The life history traits and demographic parameters of Q1 and Q3 genotypes of B. tabaci MED (Gennadius) were studied on Lantana camara (L.) and Solanum incanum (L.) plants under laboratory conditions (25 °C ± 2, 60 ± 5 % relative humidity (RH) and a photoperiod 12L:12D. In our study, L. camara and S. incanum were suitable forQ1whereasQ3 was able to develop on L. camara only. Q3 differs from Q1 by combination of several life history traits. Q3 has shorter developmental duration and higher fecundity than Q1 on L. camara. Sex ratio favouring Q1 genotype was observed. Longevity of females was more important than that of males for both genotypes. As for demographic parameters, values of intrinsic rates of natural increase (Rm) varied from 0.10 for Q1 to 0.18 for Q3 on L. camara and from 0.0 for Q3 to 0.13 for Q1 on S. incanum. The ne...

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