
The research was conducted on sheep farms located in the Absheron region in 2015-2020. The major helminth fauna in sheep in the private and farmer farms of the Absheron region was found to consist of helminth species: Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica, Dicrocoelium lanceatum, Paramphistomum cervi, Moniezia expansa, M. benedeni, Taenia hydatigena, T. ovis, Multiceps multiceps, Echinococcus granulosus, Protostrongylus hobmaieri, P. kochi, P. railleti, Muellerius capillaris, Trichocephalus ovis, Chabertia ovina, Haemonchus contortus, Dictyocaulus filaria. The extensiveness and intensity of the distribution of the 18 main helminths detected in the region by the complete helminthological dissection method in 19 research areas (14 in the Absheron peninsula: Zire, Hovsan, Mashtagha, Mehdiabad, Gobu, Sulutepe, Z. Taghiyev, Fatmayi, Novkhani, Mammadli, Khirdalan, Jeyranbatan, Mushvigabad, Guzdek; 5 in the Khizi region: Yeni Yashma, Shorabad, Altiaghaj, Gizilgazma, Tudar) are described in tables. Higher invasion levels were identifi­ed for T. ovis(43.2%, 1-53 samples), E. granulosus (39.2%, 1-18 samples), H. contortus (35.0%, 2-56 samp­les), and they we­re con­si­de­red the do­mi­nant hel­minth spe­ci­es of the re­gi­on. Ba­sed on the complete helminthological dissection, in the Absheron peninsula, IE was 17.7% and II was 1-64 samples, and in the Khizi district, IE was 29.0% and II was 1-83 samples. Thus, complete helminthological examination methods allowed us to conclude that the infection rate in the Khizi region is higher than in the Absheron Peninsula. This makes it necessary for farmers and veterinarians to start veterinary sanitary measures, both prophylactic and treatment measures against helminths in the Khizi district.

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