
Evaluation of simple reference evapotranspiration (ETo) methods has received considerable attention in developing countries where the weather data needed to estimate ETo by the Penman–Monteith FAO 56 (PMF-56) model are often incomplete and/or not available. In this study, eight pan evaporation-based, seven temperature-based, four radiation-based and ten mass transfer-based methods were evaluated against the PMF-56 model in the humid climate of Iran, and the best and worst methods were selected from each group. In addition, two radiation-based methods for estimating ETo were derived using air temperature and solar radiation data based on the PMF-56 model as a reference. Among pan evaporation-based and temperature-based methods, the Snyder and Blaney–Criddle methods yielded the best ETo estimates. The ETo values obtained from the radiation-based equations developed here were better than those estimated by existing radiation-based methods. The Romanenko equation was the best model in estimating ETo among the mass transfer-based methods. Cross-comparison of the 31 tested methods showed that the five best methods as compared with the PMF-56 model were: the two radiation-based equations developed here, the temperature-based Blaney–Criddle and Hargreves-M4 equations and the Snyder pan evaporation-based equation.

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