
An efficient method of genomic DNA extraction that provides high quality and yield is a crucial pre-requisite and limiting factor in plant genetic analysis. However, pure genomic DNA can be challenging to obtain from some plant species due to their sugar and secondary metabolite contents. Lippia alba is an important aromatic and medicinal plant, chemically characterized by the presence of tannins, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and essential oils, which interfere with the extraction of pure genomic DNA. In this scenario, optimizing the extraction methods and minimizing the effects of these compounds are necessary. This study compares six plant DNA extraction protocols based on the CTAB method. The quality and quantity of DNA samples obtained were determined by physical appearance by electrophoresis in agarose gels and spectrophotometry. The results highlight the difficulty in obtaining pure and clear bands for all tested methods, except for the polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-based protocol created by our team, which was the better option for obtaining high-quality genomic DNA of L. alba. We conclude that adding PVP-40 into DNA extraction buffers can optimize the DNA extraction of L. alba and indicate this protocol for DNA extraction from other aromatic plants.

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