
In this paper, a series of four novel microstrip antenna array designs based on different annular-microstrip feeding lines at 60-GHz millimeter wave (mmW) band are proposed, aiming at the potential usage of the mmW coverage antenna with multi-directional property. As the feeding network, the annular contour microstrip lines are employed to connect the patch units so as to form a more compact array. Our first design is to use an outer contour annular microstrip line to connect four-direction linear arrays composed of 1 × 3 rectangular patches, thus the gain of 8.4 dBi and bandwidth of over 300 MHz are obtained. Our second design is to apply the two-direction pitchfork-shaped array each made up of two same linear arrays as the above, therefore the gain of 9.65 dBi and bandwidth of around 250 MHz are achieved. Our third design is to employ dual (inner and outer contour) annular-microstrip feeding lines to interconnect the above four-direction linear arrays, while our fourth design is to bring bridged annular-microstrip feeding lines, both of which can realize the goal of multi-directional radiation characteristic and higher gain of over 10 dBi.


  • Millimeter wave frequency band is shown to have much potential usage for the near future wireless communication system like 5G NR FR2, and for the other upcoming signal coverage system based on the protocols of 802.11ad (Wi-Gig) or 802.11bd

  • The substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology, dual-element arrays, and extension structures have been used in designing the directional horn antenna working at 5G millimeter wave (mmW) bands [1]

  • Defected ground structure (DGS) [2], 1 × 4 antipodal Vivaldi antenna (AVA) array structure [3], H-shaped and slot-loaded patch with a shorting pin structure [4] have been proposed in patch antennas working at 5G mmW bands such as 28 GHz

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Millimeter wave (mmW) frequency band is shown to have much potential usage for the near future wireless communication system like 5G NR FR2, and for the other upcoming signal coverage system based on the protocols of 802.11ad (Wi-Gig) or 802.11bd. In the process of designing the antenna structure to be more compact, the annular microstrip feeding lines which can connect patch units and various compact structures are proposed as the feeding network. On this basis, we improve the surface current distribution of all arrays to be more uniform in order to obtain the multi-directional radiation characteristic under linear polarization mode. TThhee ggaaiinn aanndd tthhee rreeflfleeccttiioonn ccooeefffificciieenntt ooff tthhee oouutteerr--aannnnuullaarr mmiiccrroossttrriipp--ffeedd aanntteennnnaa aarrrraayy hhaavvee bbeeeenn sshhoowwnn iinn FFiigguurree 22. AAss sshhoowwnn iinn FFiigguurree 1111,, wwee pprrooppoossee tthhee mmiiccrroossttrriipp aanntteennnnaa aarrrraayy ccoonnssiissttss ooff oouutteerr aannnnuullaarr mmiiccrroossttrriipp lliinnee aanndd ttwwoo ppiittcchhffoorrkk--sshhaappeedd aarrrraayy bbrraanncchheess aass tthhee sseeccoonndd ddeessiiggnn. EEaacchh ppiittcchhffoorrkk--sshhaappeedd bbrraanncchh iiss ccoommppoosseedd bbyy ttwwoo lliinneeaarr aarrrraayyss eeaacchh wwiitthh 11 ×× 33 rreeccttaanngguu--

Two-Direction Pitchfork-Shaped Microstrip Antenna Array
Improvement on Multi-Directional Design
Dual Annular-Microstrip-Fed Antenna Array
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