
is an initiative which main goal is to understand how pedestrian mobility is tackled by local organizations and how the movement is evolving in Brazil. In 2016, the main outcome of the project was creating an online database about these local initiatives. As of now, users can already access all data and new groups can fill in an online questionnaire to become part of the network. Graphics are linked to the survey and are updated automatically every time a new answer is submitted. As of October 1st, Como Anda had already mapped 130 organizations that are working on the topic. Interestingly, from all organizations mapped, 28% are focused only on pedestrian mobility. Since walking is so integrated to other infrastructure and spaces in cities, a natural activity, a basic right and a synonym of freedom - the topic is intertwined to other urban subjects, from the use of public spaces to bike lanes and access to public transport. Taking this into account, Como Anda’s research also identified that 71% of all organizations mapped so far work with pedestrian mobility in more than one approach, showing the variety of practices. It was not until very recently that most organizations focused only on the pedestrian rights were created - 78% of them appeared after 2013. Since then, Como Anda has identified more than 15 organizations emerging each year in Brazil. The project has been very keen in disseminating the great variety of projects mapped so far and also in engaging these organizations, mainly through workshops. One of the results of this collaborative process was defining Como Anda’s role within the pedestrian movement in Brazil, which includes three major strategies: Strengthen organizations: Offer training, disseminate information, expand database and help promote organizations initiatives; Strengthen the pedestrian mobility agenda: Reinforce the agenda in the media, conferences, scientific congresses; Articulate the pedestrian mobility movement: Promote cooperation among cities and organizations; organize events and workshops; disseminate the Brazilian pedestrian movement on international events.

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