
The article presents current data on the prevalence and etiology of community-acquired pneumonia, shows the contribution of each of the possible pathogens to the structure of the disease. The diagnostic criteria for pneumonia are given. The main algorithms for assessing the severity of pneumonia and the prognosis of the disease using different scales: CURB-65 / CRB-65, PORT (PSI), are described. The purpose of the test is to determine the place of treatment: outpatient or in the in-patient department, in the general department or in the intensive care unit. The criteria for IDSA / ATS (American Thoracic Society / American Society of Infectious Diseases), as well as the SMART-COP / SMRCO scale to determine the need for hospitalized patients in the intensive care unit, are reviewed. The Aliberti and PES scales are given, assessing the risk of the presence of resistant pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia. Modern recommendations on the empirical choice of antibacterial drugs depending on individual patient factors are presented: anamnestic indications for treatment with antimicrobials during the preceding three months, hospitalization within six months before the onset of pneumonia, the presence of comorbidities, the severity of the disease, the risk of resistant pathogens. The average therapeutic doses of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in patients with normal renal function are indicated. The questions of the optimal duration of treatment of pneumonia depending on the etiology are considered, the criteria of sufficiency of antibacterial therapy are presented. The reasons for the possible ineffectiveness of the empirical antibiotic therapy of community-acquired pneumonia are described. The importance of identifying a particular form of community-acquired pneumonia – severe community-acquired pneumonia is emphasized. Described drugs for the treatment of severe community-acquired pneumonia. The issues of prevention of pneumonia were discussed, its importance in the strategy of reducing mortality according to the World Health Organization was emphasized.


  • Ключевые слова: внебольничная пневмония, пневмококк, полирезистентные возбудители, факторы риска резистентных возбу­ дителей, шкала риска наличия резистентной флоры, шкала оценки тяжести пневмонии, лечение амбулаторных пациентов, лечение госпитализированных пациентов, эмпирическая антибактериальная терапия, антибактериальные препараты, крите­ рии достаточности антибактериальной терапии

  • The criteria for IDSA / ATS (American Thoracic Society / American Society of Infectious Diseases), as well as the SMART-COP / SMRCO scale to determine the need for hospitalized patients in the intensive care unit, are reviewed

  • The Aliberti and PES scales are given, as­ sessing the risk of the presence of resistant pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia

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Факторы риска Risk factors

Use of β-lactams in previous 3–6 months Предшествующая госпитализация в течение 3 мес. Недавнее лечение макролидами в предыдущие 1–3 мес Recent treatment with macrolides in the previous 1–3 months Возраст 65 лет Attendance in day care Недавняя госпитализация

Баллы Points
Лихорадка Fever
под наблюдением
Место лечения Treatment location
Содержание альбумина в плазме крови
Место лечения пациентов Treatment location
Respiratory viruses
Рекомендуется микробиологическое исследование
Те же Same
Длительность лечения Treatment duration
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