
Therapeutic dining programs are part of the community reintegration process for clients recovering from a stroke. It is a supervised program performed in social settings that consists of a combination of techniques to improve the eating situation. Therapeutic dining programs are a beneficial form of therapy for many rehabilitative groups. This specific program has been tailored to older adults who are recovering from a stroke. Its main goals, aside from improving the eating situation, are to prevent another stroke from happening and decrease depression symptoms and increase self-esteem by reintegrating clients back into the community. I looked into several different community reintegration program and nutrition and eating after stroke studies in which positive outcomes were found for post-stroke clients. All studies and research used has provided a strong support for the specific proposed intervention program for my client Kelly, who is an older adult female recovering from a stroke. Assessments selected: The Barthel Index, Nutritional Status, and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Plan: Small group therapeutic dining program with other older adults in the afternoon. Intervention: Therapeutic Dining Program three times a week for eight weeks to improve eating situation, promote healthy eating, decrease symptoms of depression, and increase self esteem and social activity. Evaluation: The Barthel Index, Nutritional Status, Geriatric Depression Scale plus a Stroke Recovery Scorecard. Clients Goals: 1) Client will lower the risks of having another stroke. 2) Client will increase their eating situation experience and self-esteem while decreasing their depression symptoms. 3) Client will get involved in one support group or leisure activity outside of recreational therapy (RT) dining program for community reintegrated leisure pursuits.

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