
Defilement is a pervasive problem with devastating consequences for survivors, families, and communities worldwide. Despite efforts by various stakeholders to address the issue, rates of defilement remain high, leading to stigma, fear, and limited access to justice. Community radio has been used in the fight against defilement cases. The study aimed at establishing the effectiveness of community radio programmes in addressing defilement cases in Nyamira County. The specific objectives were to: examine the role of community radio programmes in handling defilement cases among community members in Nyamira County; and identify best practices for enhancing the effectiveness of community radio programmes in addressing defilement cases in Nyamira County. The cultivation theory anchored the study. The descriptive research design and the mixed-methods approach were utilized. The study aimed to encompass 226 participants as the target population; they were comprised of community members (109), local administration (8), victims of defilement (32), family members (52), and radio presenters (25). The sample consisted of 144 respondents, calculated using the Taro and Yamane formula (1967). A combination of purposive and random sampling techniques was employed to select participants for the study. Data were generated using questionnaires, focus group discussions (FGD), and interview schedules. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis, while quantitative data were analyzed using statistical tools. Results revealed that 72.7% of the total variations in the dependent variable (Addressing Defilement Cases in Nyamira County) are explained by the independent variables in the model. The F-value (172.960) with a significance level (p- value) of 0.000 suggests that the predictors collectively contribute to the prediction of addressing defilement cases. Further, the findings revealed that any unit change in the impact of community radio programmes influences the addressing of defilement cases in Nyamira County by 0.549 units. Also, any unit increase in best practices increases the chances of addressing defilement cases by 0.233 units. Thus, the result indicated that all the variables are well employed and have a significant influence in addressing the defilement cases within Nyamira County. The research recommended that community radio stations must be built up in terms of capability for them to be effective.

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