
Background: Community Health Workers (CHWs) have significantly contributed to the decrease of malaria prevalence and related mortality among under five children in Rwanda. This study aimed to explore the knowledge, attitudes and practices of CHWs about malaria prevention in a selected District of Rwanda. Methods: A descriptive method, using self administered questionnaires, was used for data collection from 65 respondents of one randomly selected Sector in Gicumbi District, Rwanda.Results: The majority of the respondents (89.2%,n=58) knew that the mosquito is the vector which transmits malaria to humans, and (73.8%,n=48) knew correctly the common signs and symptoms of malaria. (53.8%,n=35) were reported to have positive attitude, (100%,n=65) used mosquito net during night time only, although they are not aware of the specific time of mosquito bite Results on attitudes and practices. There was a statistically significant association between the practices and respondents’ age (p value =.001), gender (p value=.001), respondents’ knowledge (p value =.001) and respondents’ attitudes (p value =.001).Conclusion: This study highlights the moderate knowledge on good practices of malaria prevention and management hence improvement with accurate knowledge through appropriate channels is needed, so as CHWs may eventually have good practices in malaria prevention and management.Keywords: Community Health Workers, Malaria Prevention

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