
Impact of natural infection of common corn smut (Ustilago maydis) on processing characteristics of three F1 hybrid sweet corn (Zea mays L.) cultivars was evaluated in a two-year study with early and late spring-planting dates. At harvest maturity, size and location of galls were recorded and quality characteristics measured. Galls on the lower stalk, upper stalk and tassel reduced fresh weight and diameter of husked ears while galls on the base of the plant reduced fresh weight only. Ear length was reduced by galls on the upper stalk. As gall size increased from 0 to >10.2 cm. diameter, ear fresh weight and diameter decreased. The presence of galls >10.2 cm diameter reduced ear length. Kernel depth was not affected by size or location of gall. Additional ears of the same three cultivars were sampled from commercial fields planted in mid-season near Walla Walla and Patterson, Wash. Galls located on the upper and lower stalk reduced fresh weight, length, diameter and kernel depth, while galls on the tassel or base had reduced or no effect on these parameters. As gall size increased, fresh weight, length, diameter, and kernel depth decreased.

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