
The DSP-based bunch-by-bunch feedback system installed in the PEP-II high-energy ring (HER) has been used to damp instabilities induced by unwanted higher-order modes (HOMs) at beam currents up to 605 mA during commissioning. Beam pseudospectra calculated from feedback system data indicate the presence of coupled-bunch modes that coincide with a previously observed cavity mode (0-M-2). Bunch current and synchronous phase measurements are also extracted from the data. These measurements reveal the impedance seen by the beam at revolution harmonics. The impedance peak at 3×frev indicates incorrect parking of the idle cavities, and explains the observed instability of mode 3. Bunch synchrotron tunes are calculated from lorentzian fits to the data. Bunch-to-bunch tune variation due to the cavity transient is shown to be large enough to result in Landau damping of coupled-bunch modes.

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