
SYNOPSIS The history of afforestation with alien tree species on Signal Hill and Lion's Head, which form part of the Table Mountain Nature Reserve, Cape Town, was reconstructed. The natural vegetation comprises mostly West Coast Renosterveld which is considered the most reduced and threatened vegetation type in the Fynbos Biome. Historical photographs and maps, documents from the Deeds Office and the Mayoral Minutes of the Cape Town City Council (CCC) dating from 1881 in combination with aerial photographs dating from 1926 to 1989 were studied. Discussions were also held with knowledgeable officials of the CCC. Commercial afforestation with various pine and eucalypt species, undertaken by the CCC since 1894, was unsuccessful. During summer hot, dry winds prevail which are ideal for fires. Alien species proved to be no more fire-resistant than the natural vegetation. The public consequently demanded the preservation and rehabilitation of the indigenous flora as well as access for recreational purposes. The...

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