
Seasonal snow cover is the largest single component of the cryosphere in areal extent, covering an average of 46 million square km of Earth's surface (31 % of the land area) each year, and is thus an important expression of and driver of the Earth’s climate. In recent years, Northern Hemisphere spring snow cover has been declining at about the same rate (~ −13 %/decade) as Arctic summer sea ice. More than one-sixth of the world’s population relies on seasonal snowpack and glaciers for a water supply that is likely to decrease this century. Snow is also a critical component of Earth’s cold regions' ecosystems, in which wildlife, vegetation, and snow are strongly interconnected. Snow water equivalent (SWE) describes the quantity of snow stored on the land surface and is of fundamental importance to water, energy, and geochemical cycles. Quality global SWE estimates are lacking. Given the vast seasonal extent combined with the spatially variable nature of snow distribution at regional and local scales, surface observations will not be able to provide sufficient SWE information. Satellite observations presently cannot provide SWE information at the spatial and temporal resolutions required to address science and high socio-economic value applications such as water resource management and streamflow forecasting. In this paper, we review the potential contribution of X- and Ku-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for global monitoring of SWE. We describe radar interactions with snow-covered landscapes, characterization of snowpack properties using radar measurements, and refinement of retrieval algorithms via synergy with other microwave remote sensing approaches. SAR can image the surface during both day and night regardless of cloud cover, allowing high-frequency revisit at high spatial resolution as demonstrated by missions such as Sentinel-1. The physical basis for estimating SWE from X- and Ku-band radar measurements at local scales is volume scattering by millimetre-scale snow grains. Inference of global snow properties from SAR requires an interdisciplinary approach based on field observations of snow microstructure, physical snow modelling, electromagnetic theory, and retrieval strategies over a range of scales. New field measurement capabilities have enabled significant advances in understanding snow microstructure such as grain size, densities, and layering. We describe radar interactions with snow-covered landscapes, the characterization of snowpack properties using radar measurements, and the refinement of retrieval algorithms via synergy with other microwave remote sensing approaches. This review serves to inform the broader snow research, monitoring, and applications communities on progress made in recent decades, and sets the stage for a new era in SWE remote-sensing from SAR measurements.


  • Seasonal snow on land is responsible for a number of important processes and feedbacks that affect the global climate system, freshwater availability to billions of people, biogeochemical activity including exchanges of carbon dioxide and trace gases, 55 and ecosystem services

  • Exploring the accuracy of a coupled radar backscatter and snow physics model is an area for future work. Implications for microwave remote sensing retrieval Given the advances in microstructure modelling skill, retrieval of snow water equivalent (SWE) from radar backscatter stands to benefit from incorporation of prior information on snow microstructure provided by snow physics models

  • The algorithm has three features: 1) surface scattering are subtracted from radar observations; 2) a parameterized bicontinuous-dense medium radiative transfer equation (DMRT) model derived from regressions is developed to simplify the retrieval with only two unknown parameters: scattering albedo and optical thickness, which are related to the snow depth and the grain size; and 3) classification of snowpack into two classes to mitigate the non-unique inversion problem

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Seasonal snow on land is responsible for a number of important processes and feedbacks that affect the global climate system, freshwater availability to billions of people, biogeochemical activity including exchanges of carbon dioxide and trace gases, 55 and ecosystem services. High priority science objectives require snow mass information at moderate spatial resolution (250-500m) and frequent revisit (~3-5 days), a measurement paradigm that is currently not available As outlined below, these science requirements support applications related to climate services and operational environmental prediction including quantifying snow mass 100 contributions to water, energy, and geochemical cycles, better prediction of spring flooding, shallow landslide activity, and adaptation of cold-regions water resources to climate change. Parallel activities have not been sustained for seasonal snow because assimilation of existing satellite measurements does not sufficiently improve land surface model performance (de Lannoy et al, 2010) Addressing this gap is important because evidence shows that a more realistic initialization of SWE can improve streamflow forecasts, especially during extreme events (Vionnet et al, 2020) and at lead times greater than 2 weeks (Abaza et al, 2020; Wood et al, 2016). 155 3 Radar interaction with snow covered landscapes 3.1 Theoretical descriptions of radar-landscape interactions we describe volume scattering from a snowpack, rough surface scattering from the snow-soil interface, and the attenuation of radar waves by forest canopies

Interaction of radar waves with snowpack by the Radiative Transfer
Interaction of radar waves with the ground surface beneath snowpack 265
Data availability regime
Airborne experiments and signatures Airborne campaigns (listed in
Spatial variability of field measurements
Seasonal variability
Describing the retrieval problem
Constraining the retrieval problem with prior information
Leveraging snowpack information and snow classes
675 Background
Solving the retrieval problem: three example algorithms
Retrieval results
Improving SWE retrieval estimations via synergy with other datasets
C-band SAR
Phase-based approaches
Planning a Satellite Mission
Summary and Perspectives
1230 References
Full Text
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