
The megatrends of individualization and sharing will dramatically change our consumer behavior. The needs of a product’s users will be central input for its development. Current development processes are not suitable for this product development; thus, we propose a combination of a genetic algorithm and a fuzzy system for user-centered development. We execute our new methodological approach on the example of autonomous vehicle concepts to demonstrate its implementation and functionality. The genetic algorithm minimizes the required number of vehicle concepts to satisfy the mobility needs of a user group, and the fuzzy system transfers user needs into vehicle-related properties, which are currently input for vehicle concept development. To present this method, we use a typical family and their potential mobility behavior. Our method optimizes their minimal number of vehicle concepts to satisfy all mobility needs and derives the properties of the vehicle concepts. By integrating our method into the entire vehicle concept development process, autonomous vehicles can be designed user-centered in the context of the megatrends of individualization and sharing. In summary, our method enables us to derive an optimized number of products for qualitatively described, heterogeneous user needs and determine their product-related properties.


  • As a result of the two megatrends of individualization/personalization [1,2,3] and sharing [4,5], consumer behavior and the use of products of developed country inhabitants are currently changing dramatically

  • Current development processes are not suitable for this product development; we propose a combination of a genetic algorithm and a fuzzy system for user-centered development

  • The genetic algorithm minimizes the required number of vehicle concepts to satisfy the mobility needs of a user group, and the fuzzy system transfers user needs into vehicle-related properties, which are currently input for vehicle concept development

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As a result of the two megatrends of individualization/personalization [1,2,3] and sharing [4,5], consumer behavior and the use of products of developed country inhabitants are currently changing dramatically. The development of AV concepts, we present future mobility solutions Summing up these considerations, we derive the need for research in the field of product developmen3t oafn2d4 in particular in the concept development of AVs. A brief summary of a publication [17] on the concept development process of AVs emphasizes the contextual issue of this paper. TThhiiss ppaappeerr ffooccuusseess oonn tthhiiss nneeww ffiirrsstt pprroocceessss sseeccttiioonn aanndd iittss ddeerriivvaattiioonn ooff vveehhiiccllee ccoonncceeppttss ffrroomm mmoobbiilliittyy nneeeeddss ssiinnccee tthhiiss iiss tthhee nnoovveell aassppeecctt iinn pprroodduucctt ddeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd rreeqquuiirreess aa nneeww mmeetthhooddoollooggiiccaall aapppprrooaacchh. The transformation of user-centered mmoobbiilliittyy nneeeeddss iinnttoo ccuussttoommeerr--rreelleevvaanntt pprrooppeerrttiieess ttoo ddeevveelloopp tthhee vveehhiiccllee ccoonncceeppttss rreeqquuiirreess aann aannaallyyssiiss ooff tthhiiss ccoonntteexxttuuaall iissssuuee ttoo sseelleecctt aapppprroopprriiaattee mmeetthhooddss

Analysis of the Contextual Issue
Method Selection
Genetic Algorithm
Multicriteria Decision Methods
Fuzzy Logic
From User-Centered Mobility Needs to Vehicle-Bound Mobility Provision
Step: Minimalization of Vehicle Numbers
Introduction of the Constraints
Vehicle-Bound Mobility Provision of the Use Case
Step: Determination of the Vehicle-specific Properties
Customer-Relevant Properties of the Use Case
Conclusions and Outlook

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