
Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head refers to the number of severe, rapidly progressing destructive-dystrophic hip joint lesions. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the disease develops in young and most active age group. In the absence of necessary treatment, the result of the disease is the early disability retirement with the need for radical reconstructive interventions on the joint. The use of modern diagnostic methods makes it possible to detect the beginning of the pathological process in the femoral head in the early stages and to conduct the most effective treatment of patients of this category. Aim - to improve the results of treatment of patients with early stages of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head due to the development and introduction into clinical practice of a new method of combined impaction autoplasty of the femoral head. Materials and methods. A new method of combined impaction autoplasty of the femoral head was used, including decompression, intraosseous resection and excision of the focus of osteonecrosis followed by combined autoplasty of the postresection defect (RF patent No. 2583577 dated 13.04.2016). Intraosseous resection of the focus of destruction of the femoral head was performed with the help of a specially developed device - milling cutters for bone tissue resection (RF patent for utility model No. 171951 dated 21.06.2017). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment was carried out on the basis of the severity of the pain syndrome and functional capabilities of patients defined by the Harris scale (Harris Hip Score). Results. The analysis of the medium-term results of the conducted treatment showed that good results were obtained in 67.4% of cases in which the proposed method was used.


  • Асептический некроз головки бедренной кости относится к числу тяжелых, быстро прогрессирующих деструктивнодистрофических поражений тазобедренного сустава

  • A new method of combined impaction autoplasty of the femoral head was used, including decompression, intraosseous resection and excision of the focus of osteonecrosis followed by combined autoplasty of the postresection defect (RF patent No 2583577 dated 13.04.2016)

  • Intraosseous resection of the focus of destruction of the femoral head was performed with the help of a specially developed device — milling cutters for bone tissue resection (RF patent for utility model No 171951 dated 21.06.2017)

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Асептический некроз головки бедренной кости относится к числу тяжелых, быстро прогрессирующих деструктивнодистрофических поражений тазобедренного сустава. В качестве оперативного лечения пациентам был применен новый способ комбинированной импакционной аутопластики головки бедренной кости, включающий декомпрессию, внутрикостную резекцию и эксцизию очага остеонекроза, с последующей комбинированной аутопластикой пострезекционного дефекта (патент РФ на изобретение No 2583577 от 13.04.2016 г.).

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