
Sandhi Gata Vata is a clinical condition that comes under the heading of Vata Vyadhi where Prakupita Vata affects Sandhi and causes specific signs and symptoms. Lakshanas of Sandhi Gata Vata of Janu Sandhi resembles the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis of knee. Osteoarthritis of the knee is more commonly found in women than men, and the prevalence increases dramatically with age. The major risk factors associated with osteoarthritis knee joint are old age, obesity, excessive usage of knee joint (occupational), which makes it an important cause of disability. A clinical study was conducted on 31 subjects by administering combination of Maharsnadi Kashaya with Shunti Churna and Matra Basti with Ksheerabala Taila and the results obtained were statistically analysed. Statistically significant reduction in Lakshanas of Janu Sandhi Gata Vata and WOMAC scores were noted.

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