
A method for compressing large dictionaries is proposed, based on transforming words into lexicographically ordered strings of distinct letters, together with permutation indexes. Algorithms to generate such strings are described. Results of applying the method to the dictionaries of two large databases, in Hebrew and English, are presented. The main message is a method of partitioning the dictionary such that the 'information bearing fraction' is stored in fast memory, and the bulk in auxiliary memory. A method for compressing very large dictionaries—the larger the better!—based on combinatorial transformations of words is proposed. The main idea is to replace each word w by a pair (L, /), where L is an ordered string of the distinct letters of w, and /is an index which permits transforming L back into w. The information contained in the L's is almost the same as that of the w's: the entropy increase in transforming the latter to the former is very small. The main variation investigated is when the L's reside in fast memory and the /'s are relegated to disk. This results in very high savings of fast memory.

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