
Indrayani S, Perdani AY. 2018. Collection method and stomata observation on arrowroot plant using nail polish. Pros SemNas Masy Biodiv Indon 4: 158-162. Arrowroot plant (Maranta arundinacea L.) is an alternative carbohydrate food plant that has notbeen widely used and studied. The research aspect is still around the pattern of genetic diversity and its agronomy. While thephysiological aspects, especially cytology has not been done, such as stomata observation. The basic principle of stomata observation isto take a leaf epidermis and observe it under a microscope. Although it seems simple, there are a number of obstacles encounteredduring stomata observation. The obstacles at stomata observation on arrowroot plants are the character of the leaves that easily roll up,the bottom surface of thin leaves, and there are layers of wax and trichome. This study aims to find the method of removal stomata ofarrowroot plants are easy, cheap, and efficiency to be observed. The material used is the nail polish with some modifications. Thepolishing technique is done in three ways: thin, medium, thick combined with long drying. The removal of the wax layers and trichomeon the lower surface of the leaf is done in two ways: direct scratching and adhesive attachment. The results showed that smearing nailpolish thinly with drying more than 1 hour gave the best result. The removal of the wax layers and trichome is more effective withadhesive apparatus. The best results show a very clear stomata diversity observed in number and size.

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