
Nuclear receptor coactivator PRIP (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR gamma)-interacting protein) and PRIP-interacting protein with methyltransferase activity, designated PIMT, appear to serve as linkers between cAMP response element-binding protein-binding protein (CBP)/p300-anchored and PBP (PPAR gamma-binding protein)-anchored coactivator complexes involved in the transcriptional activity of nuclear receptors. To assess the biological significance of PRIP, we disrupted the PRIP gene in mice by homologous recombination. Mice nullizygous for PRIP died between embryonic day 11.5 and 12.5 (postcoitum) due in most part to defects in the development of placenta, heart, liver, nervous system, and retardation of embryonic growth. Transient transfection assays using fibroblasts isolated from PRIP(-/-) embryos revealed a significant decrease in the capacity for ligand-dependent transcriptional activation of retinoid X receptor alpha and to a lesser effect on PPAR gamma transcriptional activity. These observations indicate that PRIP like PBP, CBP, and p300 is an essential and nonredundant coactivator.

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