
The study through cluster front line demonstration was carried out during autumn season with the objective to increase the production of pulses and replace the old cultivars. The soil of operational area was sandy clay loam, having low fertility status. The improved cultivar KLB-320 of lentil was tested with local genotype which is familiar in the locality. The cv. KLB-320 was planted in the first fortnight of November 2015 and harvested after 120-125 days of sowing in first fortnight of March, 2016. The cultivar KLB-320 gave grain yield by 15.60 q/ha, which was higher over local check by a margin of 3.45 q/ha. The growth and yield traits were concordant to the seed yield of lentil. The maximum growth and yield parameters were recorded under cv. KLB-320 on degraded soil in rainfed situation.

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