
SUMMARY Drug use is one of the most important problems of contemporary society. Although Romania was until recently considered a transit country only and not a country of consumption, the realities of recent years shows a dramatic increase in drug use among young people in this country. Legislative gaps, lack of interest of the authorities and the appearance of shops selling ethnobotanical substances led to this alarming reality. Young people today have become familiar with the concept of drug, more and more young people are drug users and the age at starting consumption becomes less. Drug products can be found in clubs, at parties and can be purchased safely online or in pet shops. Following the drug were recorded numerous incidents, including deaths and statistics show the danger of mass consumption. This study, conducted recently at the Cluj-Napoca, is meant to give us some information about the dimensions of drug use. The investigation was supported by students from the UASVM Cluj-Napoca. The research tool was the questionnaire, which was applied to a sample of 620 people aged between 16 and 29 years. Briefly, following this investigation, we learned the following: - 72% of young people believe that drugs are a major threat to their generation. - 43% of respondents are not inclined to consume drugs, while 19% of those say they would like to try at least once. - 39% of young people who completed the survey admit to taking drugs. - 29% have used drugs occasionally, 24% once, and 6% consume daily. - 38% of consumers are drug users in clubs, at parties 32%, 7% on the street. - 24% of respondents said that they could easily buy drugs. - 47% of respondents consumed ethno-botanical products. - 9% of young people consume daily ethno-botanical products, 10% - weekly, 40% occasionally and 20% at once.

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