
Global mapping of essential vegetation traits (EVTs) through data acquired by Earth-observing satellites provides a spatially explicit way to analyze the current vegetation states and dynamics of our planet. Although significant efforts have been made, there is still a lack of global and consistently derived multi-temporal trait maps that are cloud-free. Here we present the processing chain for the spatiotemporally continuous production of four EVTs at a global scale: (1) fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR), (2) leaf area index (LAI), (3) fractional vegetation cover (FVC), and (4) leaf chlorophyll content (LCC). The proposed workflow presents a scalable processing approach to the global cloud-free mapping of the EVTs. Hybrid retrieval models, named S3-TOA-GPR-1.0-WS, were implemented into Google Earth Engine (GEE) using Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) Level-1B for the mapping of the four EVTs along with associated uncertainty estimates. We used the Whittaker smoother (WS) for the temporal reconstruction of the four EVTs, which led to continuous data streams, here applied to the year 2019. Cloud-free maps were produced at 5 km spatial resolution at 10-day time intervals. The consistency and plausibility of the EVT estimates for the resulting annual profiles were evaluated by per-pixel intra-annually correlating against corresponding vegetation products of both MODIS and Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS). The most consistent results were obtained for LAI, which showed intra-annual correlations with an average Pearson correlation coefficient (R) of 0.57 against the CGLS LAI product. Globally, the EVT products showed consistent results, specifically obtaining higher correlation than R> 0.5 with reference products between 30 and 60° latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. Additionally, intra-annual goodness-of-fit statistics were also calculated locally against reference products over four distinct vegetated land covers. As a general trend, vegetated land covers with pronounced phenological dynamics led to high correlations between the different products. However, sparsely vegetated fields as well as areas near the equator linked to smaller seasonality led to lower correlations. We conclude that the global gap-free mapping of the four EVTs was overall consistent. Thanks to GEE, the entire OLCI L1B catalogue can be processed efficiently into the EVT products on a global scale and made cloud-free with the WS temporal reconstruction method. Additionally, GEE facilitates the workflow to be operationally applicable and easily accessible to the broader community.

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