
To the Editor. —I was distressed to see that in an article in JAMA , 1 critical of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, one of your associate editors has, in essence, called me a liar. Regarding a letter I wrote to JAMA in 1989, 2 he identifies me as such an author under the heading Publications Misled and states that I gave the Rees Family Medical Clinic as [my] affiliation. He then writes that I turn out to be the medical director of the Maharishi Ayur-Veda Medical Center.... However, in correspondence with JAMA , he used Rees Family Medical Clinic stationery.... as if I were trying to conceal my relationship with the Maharishi Ayur-Veda Medical Center (even though my letter, regarding TM, made no mention of Maharishi Ayur-Veda). The first two statements are false; the third, though true, is misleading; the entire context is defamatory, the assertion Publications Misled is incorrect and intolerable. The facts

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