
Introduction: Ichthyolum is reported to have pronounced action on various systemic affections in various literatures. On the basis of this literature, Council conducted a thorough proving on this drug earlier and subsequently clinical verification, to ascertain its clinical importance in Homoeopathy. Objectives:The primary objective was to clinically verify the symptomatology of Ichthyolum as observed during its proving conducted by Council on this drug and the secondary objective was to ascertain the clinical symptoms. Method:In the multicentre study, a total of 131 patients from all age groups & both sexes were enrolled from the O.P.D.s of the respective institutes & units of the Council. If Ichthyolum was found to be the similimum or covering maximum number of symptoms of the patient, the case was enrolled. The medicine was prescribed in different potencies as per the need of the case and in accordance with the homoeopathic principles. The progress was noted in a predefined follow up sheet to determine the effects of the medicine. Result:It was found that 35 symptoms including 22 symptoms elicited during drug proving were verified, along with a good number of clinical symptoms, which were relieved completely or partially, exploring the wider area of the medicine for its therapeutic use. Conclusion: Ichthyolum can be considered as an important medicine for Acne, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Coryza, Cracked Lips, Dysentery, Eczema, Flatulence, Headache, Insomnia, Nausea, Psoriasis, Restlessness, Tonsillitis & Vertigo. The noted clinical symptoms are acne and scaly eruptions on whole body specially on joints, burning after itching, warts and polydypsia. All these verified symptoms confirm the scope of its therapeutic action.

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