
Clinical vascular disease (Cardiovascular Clinics, Vol. 13, No. 2) John A. Spittell, Jr., ed. Philadelphia, 1983, F.A. Davis Company, 346 pages, $45.00. Clinical Vascular Disease, edited by John A. Spittell, Jr., M.D. is one of a series of publications entitled Cardiovascular Clinics, edited by Albert N. Brest, M.D., and it is a refreshing return to basics. There seems to be a disturbing trend away from good history taking and detailed physical examination and toward the newer diagnostic methods available today; this book clearly emphasizes the clinical aspects of vascular disease. The emphasis in this work is on diagnosis, although some discussion of treatment is included in most of the chapters. The book is not all-inclusive, but it does include many pertinent subjects relative to the performance of modern vascular surgical practice. The subjects include principles of conservative treatment of arterial occlusive disease, chronic occlusive disease of the lower extremities, principles and techniques of surgical treatment of occlusive arterial disease of the lower extremities, acute arterial occlusion, occlusive arterial disease of the upper extremities, vasospastic disorders, aneurysmal disease, aortic dissection, acute venous thrombosis, chronic venous insufficiency, pulmonary embolism, differential diagnosis of leg ulcers, cerebral occlusive disease, occlusive renovascular disease, a perspective of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, the vasculitides, lymphedema, differential diagnosis of edema of the lower extremities, and antithrombotic therapy. Each subject is covered well by an expert in the field. The book is well organized and indexed. There are sufficient illustrations but there are no color photographs, a quality that is appreciated in a work aimed principally at diagnosis. The nature of the text makes it especially appropriate reading for trainees, but it also serves well as a refresher to the experienced clinician. It is a good basic text on the clinical aspects of vascular disease that is appropriate for both generalists and specialists involved in the treatment of vascular disease.

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