
We present a shear velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath central Eurasia by simultaneous inversion of broadband group and phase velocity maps of fundamental-mode Love and Rayleigh waves. The model is parameterized in terms of velocity depth profiles on a discrete 2°×2° grid. The model is isotropic for the crust and for the upper mantle below 220 km but, to fit simultaneously long period Love and Rayleigh waves, the model is transversely isotropic in the uppermost mantle, from the Moho discontinuity to 220 km depth. We have used newly available a priori models for the crust and sedimentary cover as starting models for the inversion. Therefore, the crustal part of the estimated model shows good correlation with known surface features such as sedimentary basins and mountain ranges. The velocity anomalies in the upper mantle are related to differences between tectonic and stable regions. Old, stable regions such as the East European, Siberian, and Indian cratons are characterized by high upper-mantle shear velocities. Other large high velocity anomalies occur beneath the Persian Gulf and the Tarim block. Slow shear velocity anomalies are related to regions of current extension (Red Sea and Andaman ridges) and are also found beneath the Tibetan and Turkish–Iranian Plateaus, structures originated by continent–continent collision. A large low velocity anomaly beneath western Mongolia corresponds to the location of a hypothesized mantle plume. A clear low velocity zone in vSH between Moho and 220 km exists across most of Eurasia, but is absent for vSV. The character and magnitude of anisotropy in the model is on average similar to PREM, with the most prominent anisotropic region occurring beneath the Tibetan Plateau.

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