
One hundred eighty-one patients with syphilis were seen from May 1, 1984, to April 30, 1988 at the Dermatological Clinic of Nippon Medical School Hospital. The incidence of syphilis has increased gradually year by year. The number of early infectious syphilis cases was almost twice as high as late latent syphilis ones. As a source of infection, female prostitutes were noteworthy. Among primary syphilis cases, multiple chancres were observed in 29.2%. The frequency of ulcus durum was much higher than initial sclerosis. A relationship with oral sex is suggested. Among secondary syphilis cases, pruritus was observed in 23.9%, prominently on volar lesions. Psoriasiform papular and macular syphilide were the commonest features. Secondary syphilis with persisting chancres were seen in 41.3% and is gradually increasing. JH reactions were observed in 26.3%. The frequency was highest in late primary and in early secondary stages. IgM-TPHA and IgG-TPHA were tested in 94 sera by gel-filtration and 77 by HPLC. IgM-TPHA tests were reactive in virtually all the sera from untreated syphilis cases. The titres in untreated syphilis were higher than in treated cases. IgM-TPHA/IgM-TPHA + IgG-TPHA was higher in early syphilis than in late syphilis. Fifty-eight untreated cases were tested at frequent intervals after treatment for up to 12 months. IgM antibodies disappeared in 53 patients within 12 months. Non-treponemal antibodies measured by the CF test disappeared within 15 patients and TPHA tests remained positive after 12 months in all patients. IgM-TPHA may support a diagnosis of active syphilis.

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