
On' twenty-nine patients, fifteen with liver cirrhosis, seven with epidemic hepatitis and seven with carcinoma of the liver, the hepatic blood flow was estimated by the hepatic venous catheterization. In fourteen of them, the hepatic arterio-venous oxygen difference was determined and splanchnic oxygen consumption was calculated. (1) In the patients with liver cirrhosis, the EHBF was generally decreased (565cc/min./M2). However, in the cases with hepatic enlargement and slight fibrosis observed peritoneoscopically the EHBF was normal or slightly decreased (830-940cc/min./M2), on the other hand in the cases with distinguished liver atrophy the EHBF was highly decreased (155-500 cc/min./M2). In the former, the prognosis was relatively good. (2) In the patients with epidemic hepatitis, the EHBF was 745 (480-1310) cc/min./M2, and in those with carcinoma of the liver was 630 (310-955) cc/min./M2. (3) The hepatic arterio-venous oxygen difference was 5.38 (2.36-6.90) Vol.% in the patients with liver cirrhosis, and 5.02 (2.11-7.85) Vol.% in epidmic hepatitis. These difference was smaller than that of the healthy persons and the cases without liver disease. Calculated splanchnic oxygen consumption was 24.8 (10.0-45.2) cc/min./M2 in liver cirrhosis and 35.3 (18.1-60.5) cc/min./M2 in epidemic hepatits, both having been less than that in control persons. (4) On the basis of the studies described on first report and here, the effect of upright standing, diet, blood transfusion and various drugs on the EHBF was examined and discussed.

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