
The big ACTH fractions available from human plasma and pituitary glands and from porcine pituitary glands were physico-chemically characterized by gel filtration, disc electrophoresis and isoelectric separation. In the case of healthy human subjects, big ACTH fractions were isolated by gel filtration from plasma samples taken during states of acute ACTH hypersecretion such as the lysine-8-vasopressin, insulin or metopyrone tests though none of these fractions were isolated from plasma sampled under normal conditions. Even with no stimulation of ACTH secretion, patients with Cushing's disease gave plasma samples that contained an isolable big ACTH fraction, but such a fraction was hardly isolated from plasma taken from patient with Addison's disease. Both human pituitaries and porcine pituitaries contained an isolable big ACTH fraction. By a gel filtration analysis the molecular weight of the big ACTH was estimated to be higher than 20 000. Disc electrophoresis with an acrylamide gel indicated that big ACTH is strongly basic while small ACTH is more acidic than pH 8.3. Isoelectric separation revealed that the isoelectric point of human big ACTH is higher than pH 10.0 while that of small ACTH is about pH 6.8.

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